Navigating Hubstream Classic


Hubstream’s interface is divided into the following three areas:

  1. Header
  2. Side bar or navigation
  3. Dashboard panels

The header of Hubstream comprises three important areas, i.e., the hamburger menu, global search bar and the cog menu.

  1. Hamburger menu

    The hamburger menu is divided into the following four areas:
    1. Dashboards: The user dashboard and the team dashboards are accessible from the hamburger menu.
    2. Reports: It consists of all the different types of reports that are available in Hubstream.
    3. All items: It consists of all the different types of entities.
    4. History: It lets the user view and access the most recent items.
    5. Jump to: It lets the user search a particular item within Hubstream.

  2. Global search bar
    The global search bar provides a way to the user to search everywhere on the hub that they have access to.

    It has the following parts:
    - Text field: It is the place where the user types in the keyword.
    - Search button: It is used to initiate the search.
    - Search dropdown: is used to view advanced options for searching within the hub that user is a part of.

        The available advanced search methods are as follows:
        a.	Advanced Search
        b.	Hash Search
        c.	Bulk Search
        d.	Bulk Hash Search

    Some of the items that can be searched for from the global search bar are as follows:

    • Investigations
    • Addresses
    • IP Address
    • Media
    • Media Series
    • Online identities
    • Online Resources
    • Persons
    • Automations
  3. Cog menu

The cog menu consists of the following options:

  1. Side bar
    The side bar consists of three options, i.e., User Dashboard, Team Dashboard and Reports.

  1. User Dashboard: It is the homepage and provides at-a-glance views of KPIs of the user.
  2. Team dashboard: It is where the user can get at-a-glance views of KPIs of their team.
  3. Reports: It is where the user can view reports about their organization.